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Trimarian Court Bingo

Female retainer wearing a dress is holding a spear. King Odo says that someone "rocks". Royal Retainer picks his or her nose. Somebody does court schtick which is apparently supposed to be funny... but it isn't. Award of Arms scroll begins with something other than the phrase "Praiseworthy are those..."
Earl Benen disrupts court with his madcap hijinks. The Crown gives out no awards with the word "Argent" in their names. The Queen has a triskele somewhere on her garb. "Anno Societatis" pronounced in more than one way by Court Herald(s). Somebody says "Busted!" to the recipient of an award.
Somebody drops the Sword of State. Court is more than one hour late. FREE SPACE Yet another Kingdom office changes hands. The crowd does that stupid "Oooh... Ahhh..." thing when a scroll is displayed.
Audible laughter at an inappropriate time from the naughty Peers standing in the back. Somebody makes a completely inaudible presentation to the Crown. Person called before the Crown has to be coaxed to come forward far enough to kneel on the pillows. Someone uses the phrase, "I beg a boon!" The Court Herald announces somebody whose name is a bad pun.
Clothing fashions are visibly influenced by a recent movie. Yet another guild is formed with great pomp and circumstance. The Crown gives three or more awards to their own retainers and/or household. The Court Herald mispronounces somebody's name. Every single Herald comes up to "elevate" one of their members for passing a test.

Instructions: Pay attention in court! If you see or hear something described in one of the boxes, mark off that box. If you mark off five boxes in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally -- true diagonal, not "sort of" diagonal), jump up and shout "Bingo!" (and pray that the Crown has a sense of humor).

Drusilla sez: The crabs come in on the Captain's dinghy!