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The Quarter: Not Necessarily for Newbies

New to the SCA? Then approach this publication with caution! The Quarter prides itself on making light of many things that others in the SCA hold dear: pompous peers, feasts with cous cous, five-hour courts, filk, doumbeks, hypocrites, heralds and their red tape, people who don't know the difference between the words "populace" and "populous", Internet-only SCAdians, self-appointed experts who don't have a clue what they're talking about, the drive for a fourth get the idea. But it's all in good fun! You see, deep down inside, we really do love the SCA, even though sometimes we may feel a bit cynical. We even make fun of ourselves! So, with all this in mind, we've created a rating scale to guide our readers. We rate this issue of The Quarter "SCA PG":

SCA-PG "This publication contains material that may be unsuitable for new SCAdians. Many peers may want to read it with their new household members. The parody itself may call for peerly guidance and/or the publication contains one or more of the following: moderate violence against Heralds (VH), some situations that mock sycophants (MS), infrequent coarse (yet documentably period!) language (PL), or poking fun at pointy hats (FPH)."

So sit back, grab a cup of mead or other pleasant beverage, and read The Quarter — with due care.

The Quarter - Crossing Lines at Every Opportunity