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From The Quarter Staff

We would like to give a big shout out to all the winners of the annual William Blackfox awards. These awards recognize excellence in the work of Chroniclers and newsletter contributors. According to the SCA, "Newsletters provide a valuable resource and communication tool for SCA members around the world!" And who can argue with that? Having said that, we must confess that morale is a little low among members of The Quarter Staff. You see, The Quarter wasn't even nominated for a Blackfox award. Not even for "Best Special Interest Newsletter".(Lots of people call us special — hopefully by that they don't mean "little bus" special.) Of course, we don't go through the agony and abuse of writing The Quarter just for a chance at an award. That would be a bad reason for SCA participation, now, wouldn't it? But still, it might be nice to see our name up there in the big time, even at the risk of coming under the scrutiny of the BoD.

By now you must be wondering, "Why am I still reading this?" or "What can I do to support The Quarter?" Can't address the first question, but the second one has several answers.

1. Read The Quarter on-line at E-mail all your SCA friends and tell them that it's a new membership requirement that they read the web site too. While you're on-line, buy lots of t-shirts and coffee mugs from our web site. "Queer Eye For the Straight Guy" says that the Captain Teutonic design is a fashion classic.

2. Nominate us for a Blackfox Award. See, we can't nominate ourselves — that would be tacky. But there's nothing in Emily Post's Guide to Etiquette that says we can't shamelessly beg our readers, all eight of them, to do the nominating for us. Nominations have to come through a kingdom chronicler. We suggest you start with the Trimaris chronicler, but, since we're on-line, there's no reason you can't go to your own kingdom chronicler and very, very nicely and politely ask that we get a nomination. You know what to do.

Thanks, and enjoy this 21st issue of The Quarter!

The Quarter - We kid because we love.