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Mistress Abigaille?

Dear Mistress Abigaille

Advice from a real Peer -
so it must be good!

Dear Mistress Abigaille:

Being that I am a person that prides myself on my attention to proper etiquette and appearance the SCA, I must ask some advice regarding coronets. I understand that it is my duty to display my coronet on all proper occasions, thereby indicating to the populace what they may one day aspire to. However, I am led to wonder exactly what those proper occasions are. Should I don my coronet before or after I register upon arriving Friday night at the event? Once at the event, is there any task that is too menial to deserve the presence of myself in full regalia? When I sleep, should I wear the coronet, or should I have one of my associates hold it next to my head for the duration of the night? Lastly, when I return to the doldrums of my mundane world, should I seek the help of a hair care professional in getting the dents out of my coiffure, or should I simply continue wearing the coronet through the mundane work week? Thanks for the help!

— Important in Trimaris

Dear Important,

For maximum effect, drive up to Troll wearing your coronet, even if you're still wearing mundane clothes. No task is too base that it wouldn't benefit from a coronet, if only to console you that soon you will be on to more enjoyable tasks. Consider a wardrobe of coronets; for example, tooled leather for Friday nights and volunteer work, shiny and bejeweled for Court. (I hear that Drachenstein Treasures is coming out with a "days of the week" coronet set that may be right up your alley.) Consider giving your associates the night off for taking such good care of you, rather than attending you while you slumber. Simply slip the coronet under your pillow. As to wearing your coronet to mundane work, go for it! In this era of casual dress in the workplace, your office likely could use some sprucing up with your SCA radiance.

Got a perplexing SCA-related dilemma? E-mail Mistress Abigaille


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