Brian Blessed visits
The Barony of the Southern Wastes

In the summer of 2001 (January), we had a special guest arrive at McMurdo Station! Not only is he an incredibly cool actor with an impressive stature and a booming voice to match, Brian Blessed is also quite an adventurer (he's attempted to conquer Mount Everest three times), so he came down to see what things were like at the Polus Antarcticus. He's a very good sport, too; he cheerfully accepted our invitation to put on some garb and join us at our January revel. Here are some snapshots of that memorable event.

Brian Blessed Arrives!
Brian Blessed arrives at the revel!
Background: Demersus Spheniscus (obscured), Atratus Flatus, Iredalei the Wench.

Brian Blessed is welcomed
Brian Blessed being welcomed.
Background: Atratus Flatus, Pygoscelis the Southerner (obscured), Lady Halli Patagonica, Mendicula Spheniscus (obscured)

Captive Audience
Robustus the Fat treats our guest to a song.
L to R: Eudyptula the Really Little, Atratus Flatus, Adeliae the Dreamer, Lady Halli, Baron Apten, Brian Blessed.
Not pictured: Robustus the Fat

Brian Blessed hangin with the homies
Brian Blessed hanging out with the populace.
L to R: Brutus Patagonica, Brian Blessed, Eudyptula the Really Little, Atratus Flatus, Adeliae the Dreamer, Lady Halli.

Brian Blessed hangin with the homies
What a guy!
L to R: Iredalei the Wench, Brian Blessed, Pygoscelis the Southerner

Waiting for Food
Waiting for the feast to arrive!
At table: Lady Halli, Humboldt Just Humboldt, Gentoo, Brian Blessed, Iredelai the Wench, Magellanicus of the Three Orbs (obscured).
Background: Adeliae the Dreamer

Brian at Feast
Brian Blessed chatting at the feast table

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This is the recognized Web Page for the Incipient Barony of the Southern Wastes of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The maintainer of this page is Johannes Habernacher (mka John Havershaw). It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page, the conflict will be decided in favor of the printed version.